Step 1

If you receive the wrong size or your product is defective, please send us an e-mail within 3 days of receipt so that we can offer you a replacement item free of charge.

Please read our refund policy.

Start the return process by sending us an email about your return. Here we will give you more information about the return, such as the address.

We would appreciate knowing the reason for your return.

Step 2

Ensure that you send your item in the original packaging and undamaged. We request you to package the parcel using transparent tape, not duct tape.

Step 3

Write your address as the sender's address on a piece of paper, and also designate our address as the delivery address. When sending a return package, it's important for us to identify the sender. Failure to do so may lead to the package getting lost with UPS, DHL, ... or being rejected upon arrival.

Step 3

Upon receipt of your IBAN details, you will receive your refund within 10 days of using your right to return.

Please note! We would like to receive proof from you that you have returned the item to us. This could be a shipping receipt from DHL/UPS/... or a confirmation email from a carrier.

Step 4

Ship the package via UPS or DHL as they are the most cost-effective methods for returns. The shipping or collection costs are at your own expense, and we kindly ask for your understanding regarding this matter.

Please note! If the goods arrive damaged, poorly cared for, or not in accordance with our terms, we reserve the right to refuse acceptance of the goods, and you will not be entitled to a refund.

If it's a complaint, please always attach photos. We will then work with you to find a satisfactory resolution.

For further inquiries, please contact us by sending an email.